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Here are what a few clients have to say about their sessions with Erin:

Erin, thank you!! That was the best $150 I ever spent. I’ve been processing all that you (and my guides) said, feeling relief and peace as my chest grows lighter and I shed the last of what’s been held on to, while fully opening up to other possibilities. It feels really good to do that, with the clarity and understanding enough to do it.
– Bri
Hi Erin, I got my raise! I did exactly what you said and my boss didn’t flinch! Thank you and thank you to my guides!
– Christy R.
I had a phone reading with Erin and it was amazing! She quickly connected with my guides and she picked up the answers to my questions as if she knew me. It was as if she was connecting to my helpers on the other side and they were telling her what I needed to know. It was incredibly informative and has helped me to make important decisions in my life. Get a reading, it will be absolutely worth it!
– Leticia from Jersey City, NJ

After 11 readings across 10 years, it’s probably time to give my tribute to Erin. As a former scientist, national coordinator for Mensa, and a “logical” coach, I often focus on the science and the “cold, hard” facts. Despite the perceived unusual nature of intuitive guidance, readings with Erin have been wildly successful for me in outrageous and unbelievable ways. The metaphors offered have been staggeringly vivid, and always remarkably specific. Moving from small-mindedness to trusting my self and helping clients worldwide has been mind-blowing. Through Erin, my guides have helped me make life-changing decisions in: career transitions ($35,000 to over $1 million), diet changes (eliminating specific foods reduced my sleep time from 14 hours to 8 hours), relationships (moving out of toxicity into playfulness), location (choosing a home base after five years in 30 different cities), and many more practical applications. Yes, you can do it yourself, and yes, you’ll figure it out for yourself. But wouldn’t it be great to get a leg-up so that you can have what you want and need? Listening to and applying guidance through Erin has been the single greatest catalyst to architecting and building my best life.

— Alan D. Thompson, Life Architect
I had two email readings from Erin and they were extremely helpful for me. At first I wasn’t sure how psychics worked, and I was unsure of the type of answers I would receive. The readings I got answered not only my questions but tapped into other personal areas in my life that she could not have known about me at all. I thought it was amazing how she could pick up all that information from spirit guides without even needing me there in person. It’s definitely worth the price. She’s a true intuitive.
– Siene from Mooresville, NC

I have been to many intuitives, but have never gotten such detailed and personal responses from guides as I do through Erin’s insights. ‎She responds to the questions with information that only a close friend would know. Talking to my guides through Erin has been a blessing and has helped me down my path with more ease. I would take the guides advise and every time it would be the easiest path to take. The guides advice is like talking to a wise old friend. Thank you, Erin.

— Violetta from Ontario, Canada
You are amazing. Thanks so much for the great reading! I felt it was totally right on. I’ve had many readings over the years, and it takes quite a lot to impress me, but you blew me away. I am taking to heart everything you said and making the adjustments the guides recommend. Thanks again for being such a clear and loving messenger. I feel as though I’ve found a new friend and guide in you, and I look forward to connecting with you and the guides regularly.
— Marci Shimoff, author of Happy For No Reason,
Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, and featured in The Secret
Your e-mail reading answered many questions really, even though I only asked one. One thing in particular that impressed me was your accuracy; you could not have known without being in contact with my guides. The last months had been particularly stressful as my husband died of cancer, your reading has made me far more in tune with myself and at peace with his passing. Even though my question was not about my husband, your reading did resolve an important concern I had to do with him. I am taking your advice to heart. I was hesitant about having a reading as I thought this could be scary, it was not at all scary. Erin, you are very sensitive to others and in no way did the reading upset me. It uplifted my spirit and I thank you from the depths of my being. I will not hesitate to have another, if and when I need to.
— Lu in Port Macquarie. Australia
My God you are fast! Thank you so much for the email reading this morning. It was so clarifying for me. You laid out each path so clearly and confirmed what I was feeling too. I feel more certain about my path now. Thank you and I’ll be back when I’ve got another question!
— Reese in Dallas, TX
Thanks for the reading, Erin! You were uncannily accurate and in line with what I have been manifesting. You are fabulous and a true soul sista! Best wishes…
— Sherry, Charlotte, NC
The reading I got from Erin was spot-on, specific, and actionable. At first my skeptical nature said that perhaps she was just giving me advice from her own mind, but what made it intuitive was that she was able to tell me things about myself she couldn’t have known. Further, my guides kept communicating to her using percentages, which was funny because that’s how I run my life – with percentages. It was like she was speaking my language fluently. The biggest take-away I got was advice about career direction, but I also received advice about other areas of my life that included specific details and actionable instructions. All in all, it was what I needed to hear. I feel very focused now and know what direction to take. My reading with Erin gave me a lot of peace about my situation, and I feel like everything is going to be just fine.
— Phil, Davenport, FL
Wow, Erin. Thank you so much for the great reading this morning. I was dubious that a 15-minute reading could provide much clarity or info, but you were on fire or something. I was writing like mad to keep up with the wonderful suggestions the guides were relaying through you. I feel so much more confident about my business and my path now. I can’t tell you what this reading has done for me. Thank you for all you do. Keep it up. You’re changing lives for the better. You definitely changed mine! I’ll be back if I have more questions.
— David, Los Angeles
Just wanted to let you know that everything you said in my reading was spot on. I didn’t want to interrupt you with so little time to spare, but you were very right about the writing thing — I didn’t mention that I just switched from an English major to a major in Film, and even that day had just come back from a writing workshop where a short story of mine was being critiqued! Also, you mentioned that I should not “sell myself short.” I’ve heard this phrase a few times in the past week and I don’t believe in coincidences! So I shall take your word, and thank you so much again for being so accurate and succinct. Just thought I’d give you credit where it’s due.
— Lauren, Metairie, LA
My experience with you was great, you were so easy to talk to and made me feel really comfortable. During my reading when I asked you about my guides you mentioned that one of the people coming through was named Claudia. At the time the name held no meaning for me, but after the reading I got a chance to talk to my mom who told me that I had an aunt that passed away many years ago and her name was Claudia! Not only that, the way you described Claudia was exactly how she apparently was in life. I didn’t even know this person existed prior to my reading. Wow! Your reading was fantastic and extremely accurate. I would recommend having a reading with you to anyone and everyone and assure them that if their experience is anything like mine, they will walk away with great insight about themselves and the questions they are pondering. Thank you for doing what you do!!
— Lena, Washington, D.C.
Well, I’m sure a lot of us are skeptics when we begin to work with an intuitive, but I assure you, Erin is the real deal. She started right into my 30 minute reading with a completely accurate scan of my chakras! And then she just let ‘er rip. She was so dead on with what my spirit guides were telling me. She explained how my past had worked for me up until now, and that the Universe had made changes to my current situation to incite me to make the needed adjustments to live my most inspired life! I feel in complete alignment with the Universe and my place in it right now, and so many questions about what direction I should take have been answered! Erin, you are the bomb diggity and have so strongly contributed to my new and improved vibration! Namaste!
— Stacy in Denver, CO
Just wanted to say thank you so so so much for our session. You blew me away! Everything you said was spot on, and so helpful. My husband told me what you said about having children too, and I was over the moon. In fact, I was surprised at just how excited I was to think that a spirit is waiting for us to be ready to start a family. It’s really helped give us the courage to move out and take positive action in both our lives. My husband is thinking about care work / becoming a playworker which I think would be a great fit for him, and I intend to follow the information regarding helping those who are disempowered / emotionally suffering. Thank you so much for your help, and also for the warmth you brought to the session.
— Charlotte in the UK

Erin Pavlina is the real deal. I’m a young adult and we all know life can be pretty hard. I was feeling really down and stuck and my guides led me to Erin. I wanted to get a reading with her to figure out what my next step should be. I was nervous, excited, and anxious before my reading, but Erin immediately put me at ease with her calm, soothing voice, and she was funny too. Made me feel like I was talking to my best friend, no joke! Erin’s reading gave me satisfaction and direction. Getting a reading with her was easily one of the best decisions I’ve made in my 23 years of life. I highly recommend her. You won’t be disappointed. I know I’ll be getting more readings with her. As cliché as it may sound, the reading I got with Erin changed my life. She’s amazing.

— Richard in Massachusetts
I can genuinely speak of my life as before and after my first reading with Erin. It’s not so much about the insights she gave me or how she helped me uncover my purpose. It’s more about her and my guides lighting those few next steps on my path and helping me see the road ahead. Before the reading I was a complete mess emotionally, financially and having no direction in life. Erin showed how I can change that and now I know that I will never go back to that state of depression and apathy that was my only companion for many years. Now I know that I can control the circumstances of my life and I can choose what will happen with me; I know that if something goes not as planned I will be able to figure it out and find ways to bring more love and joy into my life. I decided to get a second reading with Erin because I had done most of the things that she conveyed in the first reading. I felt a little stuck, mostly in the sphere of relationships – with other people and with myself. But this wasn’t even close to what I felt before the first reading. For a whole week after the reading I felt elated, still feeling that loving and joyful energy that I felt coming from Erin during the reading. This reading helped me tremendously to gain more clarity about my future path. Erin was very accurate speaking about my relationships with other people, explaining to me how and why things happen the way they do and giving me a lot of valuable advice on how to achieve what I want in this sphere. One of the brightest moments of the reading was when I asked Erin and the guides about my past life. Their answer was such a revelation to me, shedding light on many experiences I had during this life and showing me the lesson I still need to complete. I felt such a relief, like a lot of weight was lifted from my shoulders, and a lot of pieces of the puzzle came together.
— Mila in the Ukraine
Did you know that you could raise the dead? Since my reading with you I feel like I’ve been resurrected! My whole life seems to make sense again. I am so thankful to you, your guides, and especially my guides. They led me to your door. It took me awhile though. This world is greatly benefitting from your work! God Bless you and your family!
— Dyann in Rudyard, MT
Booking a reading with Erin is one of the best things I ever did! I was a little nervous and had my little list of questions all neatly typed out in front of me, but the moment I got on the phone with her my nervousness changed to excitement. She blew me away! The most important of my questions were answered before I had a chance to even ask them, in a way that I can only describe as beautiful! I gained enormous clarity on my true life’s purpose and saved myself literally TONS of time that I might have wasted pursuing things that were not exactly right for me. I now have such wonderful peace of mind and I feel so free to just go ahead and do what I am here to do! Whenever I thought of what I wanted to do with my life, a number of things came up, but none of them were exactly right. They had some of the elements, but never all of them. Erin gave me an EXACT plan from my guides of what to do going forward and exactly what I should be doing that has filled me with such enormous excitement and gratitude that my eyes just fill up with tears of joy multiple times a day! It is PERFECT in every way. It absolutely fits in with every one of my life goals and is a way to fulfill my heart’s purpose and use every one of my talents and abilities that I simply would not have considered before. This is the kind of stuff you should never worry about spending money on – the value that I have received from this reading is something that goes far beyond anything as trivial as money. I couldn’t put a price tag on it; it is priceless.
— Alison Andrews in Dubai
You are amazing. Thanks so much for the great reading! I felt it was totally right on. I’ve had many readings over the years, and it takes quite a lot to impress me, but you blew me away. I am taking to heart everything you said and making the adjustments the guides recommend. Thanks again for being such a clear and loving messenger. I feel as though I’ve found a new friend and guide in you, and I look forward to connecting with you and the guides regularly.
— Marci Shimoff, author of Happy For No Reason,
Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, and featured in The Secret

Hi Erin, I had a reading with you back in late January, and you said that I had 2nd child written all over me, that my 2nd child is waiting to be born and very eager. You were right! I am now 8 weeks pregnant. Thank you, for this “peek” into such a wonderful future. We are all elated with our new addition!

— Nina in Texas

I just wanted to send you a quick note of gratitude for sharing with me your gift this morning. I have been searching for some answers and direction for some time now and your candid observations have placed the missing piece I have been looking for to complete the picture. From the moment you began speaking you were 100% accurate in the information you were asked to relay to me, and there was an incredible comfort in hearing from you what my heart had been whispering for so long. I am thankful you have the confidence to relay, uncensored, what you are seeing because some of the visual pictures you gave me were actually quite insignificant on the surface but held huge amounts of meaning and importance to me. I was amazed at how you answered almost all of my questions before I had the chance to ask you them! I am incredibly grateful and humbled by this experience and wanted to tell you thank you. You have an amazing gift and a beautiful spirit Erin. I will not hesitate to recommend you to family and friends who are searching for answers.

— El in San Diego, CA
Clarity is power – and that is what we got from Erin. She provided the clarity that we were very much looking for. Most of the things she said were of course very close to the options that we had in mind – but, as it says in her FAQ, getting a confirmation from your guides about what you have in mind will give you the final push of courage and confidence in that direction. We are very grateful to Erin for the same. It’s a very good service and the clarity you get can save a lot of time, effort and money in your life
–Vijay, Finland

Several weeks ago Erin read for me. Actually she read my entire family in 30 short minutes! My oldest daughter (the one who said it would be a waste of money) truly benefited from Erin’s reading. It didn’t surprise me that Erin was “spot on” because I’ve read through the testimonials, the blogs, the forum and Facebook and I know that many people value Erin’s ability. What surprised me was how she helped me psychologically on things that my therapist would have taken years to get me to. And the fact that she cares deeply for me and persisted in helping me work through some of my stuff was extraordinary…she is more graceful and compassionate than anyone I’ve ever met. And after talking with her I feel ‘right’ about the direction I’m heading. I am so grateful for her help.

— Kathy, Seattle, WA
Thank you so much for the detailed insight into my life. I felt that I’ve reached a plateau in life, going around in circles and feeling utterly restless and lost. Thanks to you, I’ve finally found the clarity that I’ve been desperately looking for. I am truly excited about my future, and somewhat at peace, knowing which direction to take with new-found confidence. It’s amazing how I started out the reading wanting to know more about my life, and ended up getting advice on my loved ones as well! You’re amazing Erin!! Keep doing what you do!
— KC in Singapore

Hi Erin, about a month ago you did a reading for me while I was in Madrid, Spain. A quick update of everything that has changed: I left my husband, and though I’m not over it yet I feel freer, clearer and more powerful. My skin is clear for the first time in 4 years! Also you mentioned that you saw me going south of the border to do some work with sustainable farming, etc., and that also is happening! I didn’t think it would happen for a year or so, but it’s happening next week! I found an organic sustainable farm in Costa Rica online LAST NIGHT, saw they accept interns, applied and this morning was invited to join them for the month of May!! I’m thrilled! Thank you!

— Darla, Albuquerque, NM

Being a “scanner personality,” which is defined as someone who has short, passionate interests in almost everything, it is very hard to keep focus and to stay on track. I can’t even tell the “pricelessness” for me of the info I got from Erin and how much more I can experience with it. The 30-minute reading with Erin was like the truest conversation I’ve ever had with someone. It is like speaking with your alter-ego that has deep insight in what is holding you back, what is best for you and whom just really wish for you to thrive. No right or wrong, just… clarity. Oddly enough, I began to experience some deep internal changes shortly after I actually just booked the reading with Erin, but then again, there is no actual “time” in the ether world right? I could almost feel the pieces of the puzzle locking with each other. It’s hard to find words to explain such wisdom and clarity. Now I can enjoy the actual “doing” of my life purpose. The path is mine to take and mine alone, but never, ever will I feel alone in my endeavor. Book a reading. Really.

— Carl in Quebec, Canada
I don’t want to go over the sometimes private details of our reading but let me say at least that it was completely, sincerely, utterly earth-shattering in the nicest way possible. If I hadn’t had a reading with Erin — though as a believer in destiny I don’t really see how I couldn’t have had one — I would have most likely died slowly. Nowadays I quite often cry with gratitude for the life which is blooming around me. It all started with the reading. If that sounds over the top, it’s because that is the reality of it. Erin Pavlina is some kind of superheroine. She’s like the Oracle of Delphi or something. Get a reading.
— Andrew Gubb in Spain
Several days after my reading, I am still absorbing all the information. It was a delightful and validating experience to have Erin ‘read’ me with such confidence and accuracy. Without me telling her anything, she picked up on secret dreams I have had – that I thought I was crazy to have – and showed me how to take them forward. The advice I got about taking next steps has really helped me to begin to take concrete action. Truly, it was wonderful and I’m sure I’ll be back!
— Rhoda, Somerset, UK
My name is Alice, you gave me a wonderful reading about a week and a half ago and I just wanted to thank you for such a fantastic reading. Honestly, I was and am still shocked how accurate you were about…well…everything (it’s like you knew me or something 🙂 You answered the very question that had been pestering me for months within the first few minutes of the reading. I don’t think I have ever had someone give me such a spot on, extremely helpful reading as you did. I don’t know if it is weird or not, but ever since the reading I have had a much more relaxed demeanor about my future because I kinda feel like I’ve gotten validation that everything’s gonna be ok and that I’m on the right track. I am so happy that I decided to book a reading with you, and honestly a half an hour of your time is worth WAY more than I paid (priceless). I am also EXTREMELY excited because I am now pursing going to film school, finally….direction! I love it! Erin, you rock, please don’t ever stop the magic!
— Alice in Victoria, BC
The experience of getting a reading with Erin was wonderful. I was pleasantly surprised when she could talk about the exact area that I needed guidance on, without me telling her anything about it. It was helpful for me as I found a validation of what I’ve been wanting to do and I found renewed energy and belief to go after it.
— Shilpi in Chicago, IL

Hi Erin, you gave me a reading a couple of months ago, and I wanted to thank you again. I asked about relationships and about finding one, and you told me I need to clear up issues dealing with my mother, and also unblock my heart chakra. I worked proactively on those things after we spoke by journaling and sitting with negative feelings as they came up, exploring them, getting to the root of them. Well, two weeks after we spoke I met a great guy, who actually lived in my building and who I’ve spoken to a few times before. I knocked on his door one day to see if he wanted coffee, and he did, and then he asked me to go to the beach, and I did, and I discovered that he is so incredibly easy to be around, and hilarious, and sweet and had had a crush on me for months. I’ve seen him every day since then, and so far, its like we’re on exactly the same wavelength. I feel like I can be completely myself around him and it’s always so much fun. Anyway, thank you for your awesome reading! I really do believe it helped me find someone very special and right. You told me things I had not thought I needed to work on at all anymore, but obviously I did!

— Karina in Portland, OR
I’m so glad I decided to get my reading! I never thought so much could be said and touched upon in half an hour’s time. Many of the key areas that I was stuck in have been cleared up. And I feel I’m ready now to get aligned with my purpose. The value I got was way beyond my expectations.
— Maarten in Belgium
Erin, thank you so much for the insightful reading today. It was my first ever psychic reading and it was so worth it. Everything you mentioned has crossed my “mind” before. The clarity you provided by plucking out the valid info from my spirit guides has changed the way I see my own abilities. You have helped me trust in myself and my journey. Thank you so much! I liked you and the reading so much I would probably book you all the time if I could. I look forward to watching your growth and success and talking with you again in the future.
— Katie in Kalamazoo, ME
Erin, you were the first psychic medium to actually connect with my deceased mother. You even told me about the unusual circumstances surrounding her death which I know you could not have known in advance. Because of this I am more certain than ever that you are the real deal. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me one more chance to talk to my mom. I finally feel like I have closure. You really helped me and I know you’re helping so many others. Never stop doing what you’re doing. We need you, Erin!
— Rebecca in Fairfax, VA
My friend recommended Erin after she got a really great reading. I’ve been looking for an authentic psychic for a while. The very first thing Erin said to me was exactly, word for word, what I had written in my journal the night before. To say I was blown away would be an understatement. She then proceeded to cover in just 20 minutes 3 major areas of my life, and provided so much clarity for me. She is sooo worth her price! I didn’t know anything about Erin before my friend recommended her, but I’ve gone back and read over her blog quite a bit since my reading. I’m very impressed, not only with her talent, but with her compassion. It really came through during my reading.
— Gail in Australia
You really confirmed a lot of what I was already thinking. The vision that you had, of the business, is something so congruent and in alignment of who I am, of how I operate, that it’s so uncanny. I am glad I talked to you because it is something that I hadn’t even considered as a possibility.
— Nina S. in Tomball, TX

My reading with you gave me closure on a specific part of my life as well as my husbands. When I discussed my reading with him he had such a release of whatever bad energy was harnessing him as well as myself. You and I also talked briefly about a career choice for me. A career with purpose. I had asked about teaching for example. You assured me that teaching wouldn’t be a bad choice, it just might not be for public elementary school as I originally thought. That it may actually be in some sort of way along the lines of the enhanced New Age Spiritualism I have discovered. You also told me that right now college could possibly put a damper on my family with the stress and financial side of child care and such. I think I found my calling. An education line that will allow me to use my writing ability, my interpersonal skills, as well as my new spiritual awareness. While using the Yahoo search engine I came across The University of Metaphysical Science. They offer a distance education plan which will allow me to study at my own pace as well as still be a full time mother and wife. Once completed I can use my degree as a writer, a teacher, and much more. This is the first time in my life that I have looked into a degree program and really felt satisfied by my decision. Hopefully my guides are pleased and agree with my decision as well. I just want to say ‘thank you’. You may not have flat out told me what to do with my life, but you gave me enough hint to find my purpose in this life. My husband and I also made the decision to allow the children and myself to return to our home state. The schedule that my husband has allows him a week off a month and can even be changed to more time if needed. That will allow him to come to us and spend quality time and still make the money that he couldn’t possibly make where we are originally from. The reading with you has dramatically changed our lives. Thank you so much!

— Jennifer W. in Rock Springs, WY

Hello Erin, during our last reading about 3 months ago you told me my husband was cheating on me and I didn’t believe you. If you recall, I was very angry during the reading. Well, you were right. I found out about a month ago that he has been cheating on me with his co-worker, which you also told me about. At first I felt really stupid, but I remembered what you told me during the reading, that my husband was feeling unappreciated and like I didn’t need him anymore. We’ve done a lot of soul searching and having discussions we should have had years ago. As a result, I think we will be able to save our marriage. You were right and I wish I had listened sooner. Thank you for your wonderful gift and for helping me even when I wasn’t ready. I’ll be booking another reading soon and this time I’ll listen with an open mind.

— Shelly in Reno, NV

Hi Erin, I am feeling compelled to write to you because of all the interesting things that have transpired since I booked a reading with you on my birthday back in January. I am sure that with all of the thousands of readings you have probably done since then, you would not remember me, but I would like to share how much my life has changed since talking with you. One of the strongest insights you had for me was that I was a witch in several former lifetimes and that I am (or at least should be) picking it right back up in this one. You mentioned I have incredibly strong “magick” and that I should be manifesting things on the physical plane as you stated, “I have never met anyone with more powerful command over their lower three chakras” and you encouraged me to utilize that. I have done just that. Since that time I have inherited a substantial sum from my uncle’s estate and I have since paid off most of my debt and am buying a new home presently … money is coming from all over (I cast several spells to attract this). However, I have had extremely mixed emotions because although all of my intentions were pure and loving, I inherited a lot of the money from my uncle’s death and as you can imagine, it scared me very much. I know intellectually that I didn’t “cause” that to happen, but it was a little freaky. I have been reading all of Esther and Jerry Hick’s books (I read “Ask and it is Given” nearly two years ago) and I am seeing the tremendous power of the law of attraction in action. But mostly, I always come back to my reading with you because I can still hear your voice saying, “You have no idea how much power of manifestation and attraction you have, especially where love is concerned.” I am working on the latter now. I guess I am looking for a little reassurance that what I have been doing is perfectly OK and to continue my manifesting on the physical plane. You also mentioned to start a coven. You could say my friends and I have an informal one and you could call me the high priestess. 🙂 I wanted to thank you for tapping into higher consciousness and guiding me to authenticity. You truly have an amazing gift.

— Denise in Albany, NY
About 8 months ago you recommended I get some energy work done to resolve one of the issues I asked about in my reading. I finally took your advice about a month ago, going for the first time to a Reiki master for five sessions of energy therapy. Although the sessions cost me a lot of money, the happiness they’ve brought into my life has been priceless. I wouldn’t have thought to try Reiki if not for your recommendation, so this is a huge thanks to you. Though I didn’t see its value at the time, that suggestion alone was worth the cost of my reading.
— David in Louisville, Kentucky
Erin provided incredible insight and guidance on many levels in the two sessions that both my wife and I spoke with her. The overall effect for myself is a greater confidence in trusting my inner voice and a comfort in knowing I ultimately guide the course of my life and need not try and rush it so much. I can attribute these new understandings in part to the multiple ‘aha’ moments and overall validation I found in conversing with Erin. Ultimately Erin provides a means to ‘cut to the chase’ when tackling some of life’s complexities. This might be especially true for someone who is finding little value working things using conventional means, such as counseling. We both have benefited greatly from our talks with Erin and enthusiastically recommend her.
— C & S in Portland, Oregon
Erin is a wonderful psychic and goes above and beyond the call of duty. At the 30 minute mark she let me know she had another appointment after mine but she didn’t feel done channeling all the messages my guides wanted me to know, so she actually arranged to call me back after her last reading of the day to continue my reading. I couldn’t believe she would do that for me. She told me several things about my deceased grandmother that only I and my grandmother would know. Erin’s gift is wonderful, but her caring spirit and true desire to help others is priceless! She helped me find peace over my grandmother’s passing and I am truly grateful.
— Melinda, Seattle, WA
On both occasions that I came to Erin for a reading, I was in need of some direction and guidance on my life. Having 2 really young children and 2 businesses doesn’t really leave me with much time and energy to think clearly. The things she said before I even started saying anything proves to me that she truly has a gift, because she was able to clearly describe a really strange product that I’ve been working on and have put on the backburner, which she encouraged me to pursue. I don’t normally like depending on somebody else’s opinion in making my decisions, because I feel like we are all sufficiently equipped with the right resources physically, mentally & spiritually to know what is the right thing to do and how to make things manifest in our lives. But life happens, we get busy, we get stressed, we lose focus and confidence. And sometimes we just need to hear an angel’s voice to get us back on track when we tune out our own angels and guides.
— Margarita in Knoxville, TN
The advice you gave me about cleansing my chakras has helped me a lot since my reading 5 days ago. I know I have a long way to go. I am able to control my anger which has surprised me & also I am less frustrated. The advice my guides gave me is really helping me. I thank you for the reading and I wish I had contacted you earlier. I believe you have great talent & are a natural healer. Your website is a great help to all. Once I clear the emotional blockage I will request another reading. I have sent a positive thought to you & hope that you will move into an even higher realm of spirituality & may more mysteries of the universe be revealed to you.
— James in Victorville, CA
I can honestly say the reading Erin did for me changed my life in significant ways. It helped me let go of family-related hurt and guilt I’d been clinging to. It also gave me the jump start I needed to start working on changing my career path on my own time – the work I did led to me getting my dream job, moving to a new city, and without question moving in a direction I would not have imagined a year ago.
— Kerri in Des Moine, Iowa
About 8 months ago you recommended I get some energy work done to resolve one of the issues I asked about in my reading. I finally took your advice about a month ago, going for the first time to a Reiki master for five sessions of energy therapy. Although the sessions cost me a lot of money, the happiness they’ve brought into my life has been priceless. I wouldn’t have thought to try Reiki if not for your recommendation, so this is a huge thanks to you. Though I didn’t see its value at the time, that suggestion alone was worth the cost of my reading.
— David in Louisville, Kentucky
Erin provided incredible insight and guidance on many levels in the two sessions that both my wife and I spoke with her. The overall effect for myself is a greater confidence in trusting my inner voice and a comfort in knowing I ultimately guide the course of my life and need not try and rush it so much. I can attribute these new understandings in part to the multiple ‘aha’ moments and overall validation I found in conversing with Erin. Ultimately Erin provides a means to ‘cut to the chase’ when tackling some of life’s complexities. This might be especially true for someone who is finding little value working things using conventional means, such as counseling. We both have benefited greatly from our talks with Erin and enthusiastically recommend her.
— C & S in Portland, Oregon
Erin is a wonderful psychic and goes above and beyond the call of duty. At the 30 minute mark she let me know she had another appointment after mine but she didn’t feel done channeling all the messages my guides wanted me to know, so she actually arranged to call me back after her last reading of the day to continue my reading. I couldn’t believe she would do that for me. She told me several things about my deceased grandmother that only I and my grandmother would know. Erin’s gift is wonderful, but her caring spirit and true desire to help others is priceless! She helped me find peace over my grandmother’s passing and I am truly grateful.
— Melinda, Seattle, WA
On both occasions that I came to Erin for a reading, I was in need of some direction and guidance on my life. Having 2 really young children and 2 businesses doesn’t really leave me with much time and energy to think clearly. The things she said before I even started saying anything proves to me that she truly has a gift, because she was able to clearly describe a really strange product that I’ve been working on and have put on the backburner, which she encouraged me to pursue. I don’t normally like depending on somebody else’s opinion in making my decisions, because I feel like we are all sufficiently equipped with the right resources physically, mentally & spiritually to know what is the right thing to do and how to make things manifest in our lives. But life happens, we get busy, we get stressed, we lose focus and confidence. And sometimes we just need to hear an angel’s voice to get us back on track when we tune out our own angels and guides.
— Margarita in Knoxville, TN
The advice you gave me about cleansing my chakras has helped me a lot since my reading 5 days ago. I know I have a long way to go. I am able to control my anger which has surprised me & also I am less frustrated. The advice my guides gave me is really helping me. I thank you for the reading and I wish I had contacted you earlier. I believe you have great talent & are a natural healer. Your website is a great help to all. Once I clear the emotional blockage I will request another reading. I have sent a positive thought to you & hope that you will move into an even higher realm of spirituality & may more mysteries of the universe be revealed to you.
— James in Victorville, CA
You know, I thought twice about having a reading with you! Why? Because I had never had one before and if I am honest, I was a little scared. Now all I can say is that your reading has given me so much clarity and helped me to move forward in my life. Erin, you are such a light in this world. I cannot believe how powerful your connection is and I am recommending you to all my friends, especially those who need help in finding their direction. Thank you!
— Katharine in the UK
This is the first psychic reading I’ve ever gotten from anyone. Normally I stay away, assuming that I’ll just be getting an expensive cold reading. But Erin’s advice really hit home, and helped me on a very personal level that surprised me. I almost rejected her advice at first, but the more I looked at my life, and the more I digested what she had told me – the more I realized how accurate and applicable her advice was. Certain realizations are invaluable.
— Sean Connelly
After Erin’s reading I felt a tremendous confidence boost in my abilities. She confirmed everything that I had been receiving in my own mind and helped me realize I was not making it up or imagining it. She picked up on all the questions I had written down for the reading, even before I asked them. It was like she was reading my notes. My wife and I thank her very much. I hope God blesses her with more and more powers so she can continue to benefit all of humanity.
— Nilesh in Pittsburgh, PA
Erin Pavlina is a gem. If you have been guided to her website by any sort of coincidence, I want you to consider the possibility that you were led here. Within us, lies a broader, wiser, older self—the part of ourselves that has lived every life time we have lived, and is fully aware of where you have been in this life, and where you are going. It is intimately aware of your body, your desires, and the path to achieve any desire you have ever imagined. It was our intent to connect with our higher self before we came into this body, and if you have found your way to Erin, I believe it is an invitation from your higher self to say “hello”, and to get some information that you have been wanting. Thanks to Erin’s willingness to devote her life to this sort of light work, we now have a bridge to our higher selves, and can begin to form a relationship with the most important person of all—you.
— Dave Trager
I’ve had multiple readings with Erin and her accuracy continues to astound me. It’s satisfying to know that Erin is available to consult with when I have questions about various issues that arise in my personal and professional life. I can’t put a price on her value to me.
— Douglas in Canada
I’ve been doing Medical Intuitive readings for about eight years, and as a writer, I’ve had contact with Erin through since 2003. We recently discovered our shared intuitive gifts and decided to do a trade “just for fun.” I don’t normally consult other psychics, but I like Erin’s humility and the fact that she tunes directly into people’s higher selves, rather than relying on intermediaries like tarot cards.I had a few questions in which I wasn’t 100% certain that the answers I’d received were intuitive. Sometimes if we’re really close or emotionally involved in a situation, culling intuition from emotions grows difficult. In this regard, my reading with Erin was wonderful! Her confirmation came from such a non-attached place that I found it highly reassuring. In two cases, she clarified and confirmed my secret hopes. Since I had told Erin nothing of these aspirations, her comments resonated deeply and gave me a tremendous sense of joy and relief. She delivers her messages with compassion and humor. I find it refreshing that she admits when she doesn’t understand an image she receives, and her honesty in this regard lends confidence in the reading’s accuracy. In my case, she had no idea what to make of the image, but I recognized it immediately. She tuned in and shed new light on an old issue. I’m really excited for Erin and for all her clients and blog audience that she’s chosen to embrace this path! She’s doing great service already, and I see much more of it to come.
— Laura Bruno
Erin is the real deal. My reading was very satisfying – it rang true on a deep level, and had the added bonus of feeling like taking a bath in really clean, high energy. I feel like I’ve been picked up and dropped a few steps forward on my spiritual path.
— Tina Kunz
Thank you so much for all of your help. You have helped transform my life. I had been working on myself since 2002 with the hope of making my dreams come true and now they are coming true in the most amazing way thanks to your guidance and divine energy. I hope to one day meet you in person to personally thank you for your help and amazing gift to heal and get us back on track.
— Mayra in Elmhurst, NY

Erin truly has a wonderful gift. I have been on the spiritual path for 7 years now. Most of what I have learned and accomplished has been on my own. I have never sought advice or direction, as I thought that was something for each of us to discover on our own. However, after reading Erin’s blog and following her site, I was strongly compelled to schedule a reading with her. Her giving personality, honesty, and desire to help showed in her writings. After speaking with her, I feel like I’ve received confirmation in my direction and a renewed zest in my life goals. It is one of the most important and life-changing conversations I’ve had. Everyone can benefit from her gifts, whether you are just beginning your path, or have been on this road for many years.

— Robyn in Ruther Glen, VA
Erin’s reading was not what I expected, but the message she had for me was astonishingly helpful in making a major life decision. The experience was wonderful, and I heartily recommend her services.
— Mike in Scottsdale, AZ

Her intuition and accuracy is certainly marvelous, but the real meat is realizing part of you already contains this information. It gives you unrelenting drive to explore your own soul, furthering your ability to improve your reality.

— Scott in Florissant, MO

I recently had the opportunity to receive a psychic reading with Erin. Although I didn’t know what to expect before the reading, she really made me feel comfortable. I was truly amazed that she knew so much about a particular issue in my life even though I had not shared it with her prior to the reading. Her reading provided invaluable insight and direction for me, and when I left the reading I had a new life plan that I’m really excited about. Her reassurance and spiritual counseling made a real difference in my life.

— Susan in Los Angeles, CA

Erin has been able to steer me on my dream path (one I held back for years) in a way that has given me the clarity inspiration and guidance I needed. Knowing that there is someone who can provide solid guidance is impossible to put into words. Her guidance helps remove impediments while it gives you the energy and determination to make those challenging decisions. We all go through life wondering if we are derailing our happiness or building the right things. Her method, clarity and vision are truly distinguished. I wish I had found Erin sooner!
