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Submission Guidelines

**We are no longer seeking submissions. Thank you to everyone who submitted content in 2015!**

In 2015 we are opening up the blog for some new features. If you’d like to contribute, read the description below then click the link to read the submission guidelines for that feature.

Interview Erin
Ask Erin 10 questions about anything she covers on her blog or anything from her personal or business life. No “reading” questions please.

Paranormal Experience
Do you have a paranormal experience you’d like to share? In this feature, you’ll submit your story and Erin will add some commentary on the experience.

You can talk about your astral experiences, a ghost sighting, a communication with a deceased loved one, a time when some guidance saved your life, anything that is supernatural, paranormal, or of an otherworldly nature. We want to hear it.

Life on Purpose
So many people are stuck in a life they hate, not realizing they can turn their life around. How cool would it be to hear from some people who made the transition and are now living a fulfilling, happy, joyous life? How did they do it? And what could you do to get out of your current situation and onto a path with purpose?

In this feature we are seeking people who are willing to share the story of how you transitioned onto the fulfilling path you’re on today.

Intuitive Reading Case Studies
So many readers requested to hear stories of the readings Erin does. If you’ve had a reading with Erin and wouldn’t mind sharing your experience, this feature is for you.