One of the more interesting things I’ve discovered while doing the intuitive readings and connecting with the deceased is that there appears to be different
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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One of the more interesting things I’ve discovered while doing the intuitive readings and connecting with the deceased is that there appears to be different
Do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God born of a virgin?
Someone sent me this exact question a few days ago and I want to answer it for him publicly. My current belief, based on my
The Dangers of Astral Projection
Learn the potential dangers of astral projection and how to protect yourself. I covers risks, the silver cord, and avoiding bad encounters.
Question: What is deja vu? Is it paranormal? Have you experienced it? Can we cause it to happen, and if so, would there be any
Getting Paid for Spiritual Work
Question: Like you, Erin, I am discovering that I have psychic gifts. I want to share them with people but I am uncomfortable charging people
December Readings and Time Off
Just a quick announcement about my reading schedule for December. I will not be doing any intuitive readings the last two weeks of December so I
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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