Recently I had a dream that my deceased mother came to my house and told me something I definitely wasn’t expecting!
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Recently I had a dream that my deceased mother came to my house and told me something I definitely wasn’t expecting!
8 Beliefs You Have About Being Dead that Are Just Dead Wrong
Basically you’re walking around with some misinformation that’s causing you a lot of grief. I’m here to clear all that up for you right now. So listen up my friends, here are the eight beliefs you probably hold about being dead that are, frankly, just dead wrong.
The Line Up: A medium’s experience on the astral plane
I’m in the process of writing a complete guidebook on how to astral project safely and effectively. I’m totally immersed in the writing, and as
A woman contacted me one day asking if I could do an emergency reading for her as her boyfriend had just passed and she was
Can a dead person come to you in a dream and tell you how they died?
Question: What does it mean when you dream of a close relative telling you what really happened to him the day he passed away? –
When do deceased people slough off their personas?
Question: Afer a person dies, how long does it take for them to slough off their persona? At some point do they just become their
Do deceased people pine away for us after death like we do for them?
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