In fourth grade my teacher, Mrs. Cameron, had the Golden Rule written out and displayed above the chalkboard so we could see it every day.
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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In fourth grade my teacher, Mrs. Cameron, had the Golden Rule written out and displayed above the chalkboard so we could see it every day.
How do you open and close chakras?
Question: How do you open your chakras, how do you close them, and under what circumstances should you do either? Answer: In my blog entry
60-Minute Intuitive Reading Option Now Available Due to high demand I’ve created an option for a 60-Minute Intuitive Phone Reading. Most people who wanted the
“You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor without having victims.” – Harriet Woods All throughout my childhood my dearest
Control vs. Faith: Which strategy is better?
There are two approaches you can take in life, the control approach or the faith approach. Neither is better than the other. Both are valid
Do deceased family members know when someone is going to die?
Question: Do deceased family members know when someone is about to die? Or is their energy so different that they are not connected to them
Well it’s been a while since I recorded a podcast, but today Steve and I recorded a 96 minute podcast together where we discuss psychic
In 1999, Steve and I went through a bankruptcy which, though hard at the time, turned out to be a great thing because we learned
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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