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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Update on my Criss Angel Mindfreak episode

The episode of Criss Angel Mindfreak that I filmed back in May was initially expected to air on July 5.  I wrote to the producers to find out if that was still the case.  I was told that they do not have an exact date set for that episode so obviously it’s not going to be shown on July 5.  However, they did mention that they are trying to get it turned into a longer episode or even a special.  When I was filming the episode I remember someone on the crew saying they had gotten such great footage that they were hoping to turn it into a longer episode.

So on the bright side, this could mean that everyone gets to see a lot more of the footage we shot, or it could mean the episode never airs because they can’t figure out what to do with it.

I hope you will join me in putting out the intention that this episode is turned into a longer episode or special so people can see the entire investigation we did and not just a quick snippet.  But no matter how this turns out, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience.  It helped increase my confidence in my psychic abilities, and I got the chance to read for the crew which was a great experience for me.

As soon as I know the episode is going to air, I’ll post a notice in the blog.

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