So last night I was tucking Emily in and she revealed to me how afraid she is all night long because of the monster under
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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So last night I was tucking Emily in and she revealed to me how afraid she is all night long because of the monster under
How To Raise Your Vibration When You Feel Fear
Ease nighttime fears with these tips for raising your vibration and feeling empowered before sleep.
Why don’t psychics agree on what happens in the beyond?
Some psychics believe there is a heaven and hell, and that people are good or evil. Some psychics talk to God and Jesus while others
How To Find Your Optimal Medium
In my blog entry, The Medium and The Message, and in Steve’s blog entry, The Medium vs. The Message, we both discuss the difference between your message
Can Dead People Negatively Affect Your Life?
Question: If someone was jealous or angry in life and now they are dead, can they harm the living or cause them trouble in any
In most of the psychic readings I do, people ask about their life purpose. Sometimes people specifically want career advice, and sometimes people just want
As I did last year, I’ll be taking two weeks off from doing psychic readings during the winter break when my kids are out of
Do Dead People Watch You Masturbate?
Ever wonder if your deceased grandmother is hovering around you watching your every move? Do the deceased respect the privacy of the living? Are they
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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