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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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My Dinner with Einstein

On May 8, 2016 I went to sleep and had this dream:

I walked into the diner and saw him right away. He had taken the booth in the back, positioning himself so he could see the door. He seemed to be anxiously awaiting someone. Maybe me.

When he saw me, he waved me over. “Hurry, Erin, please. We don’t have much time.” The urgency in his voice was unmistakable. I eagerly rushed to the table and he gestured for me to sit down.

I said, “Are you… Einstein?”

He laughed briefly and said “Was it the hair that gave me away or my accent?”

I said, “Both really.”

He said, “I get that a lot. Listen, time may be relative but we have relatively little time tonight so please let me begin.”

I was confused about what was happening but I wasn’t going to interrupt Einstein to ask silly questions like, “Are you real?” and “What’s happening??” I knew when to shut my mouth and just listen.

He pulled a coin out of his pocket and put it down on the table.

Then he looked at me intently and said, “What do you know about probability? What is the probability that an event will happen?”

I said, “Well I know that if you flip a coin there is a 50% chance of it coming up heads and a 50% chance of it coming up tails. I guess you divide 100 by the number of possible outcomes. So with a coin you’re dividing 100 by 2 (heads and tails) and you get 50.”

He said, “Yes. that’s basically correct. That is how probability works if you just look at it third dimensionally. If I have a coin then the probability of tossing it and getting heads or tails is 50%. But in reality, probability is not based on possible outcomes of what seem like random but equally plausible events.”

“Say what?” I said.

He said, “There is another force that affects probability, and that’s what I’ve brought you here to discuss.”

“Oh wow, okay great. Please go on,” I said.

“The other force that affects probability is expectation.” He paused for a moment to let me process his statement.

I said, “What do you mean?”

He said, “If I have a coin the mathematical probability that a toss will produce heads is 50%, but expectation is a force that can change mathematical probability, and does. Expectation exerts a subtle but real force on the outcome of any event.”

“Really? So if I expected the coin to always turn up heads, would it?”

“Yes, but you’d have to actually expect it to, and not just wonder if it would, otherwise it wouldn’t be a strong enough force to affect the outcome,” he explained.

“But in lab tests when they actually flip coins, the outcome is always 50/50,” I pointed out.

He said, “Yes, because that is what mathematicians expect is going to happen. That is what their understanding of the universe tells them must happen. But the physical laws of the universe are not the only laws at play, and scientists are in the process of discovering all of this now. Your expectation of outcomes affects the probability of the outcome. And the stronger your expectation, the more the probabilities change.”

“Okay that’s cool. I think I get it. Why are you telling me this though?”

He leaned in like he was about to tell me a big secret. “Expectation is a powerful force. The more you expect something will happen, the more likely it is to happen. Expectation has the power to affect the probability of outcomes.”

I said, “So if a person expects he will get sick, he will? If a person expects to fail a test, he will fail? If a person expects he will get a promotion, he will?”

Einstein replied, “The expectation increases the probability but it does not override it. So the odds of getting sick if you expect to get sick are increased, but most humans aren’t capable of consciously exerting expectation towards a probable outcome with a 100% degree of success. This is why people don’t notice, at least not very often, that expectation is an applied force.”

“Uh huh.” I thought for a moment and said, “So you’re saying that the probability of an outcome can be affected by the expectation of an outcome?”

“Yes,” he replied.

“So if a person expects something is going to happen, that expectation provides a sort of boost to the original probability of it happening?”

“Exactly,” he said. “And what people don’t realize is they can direct their conscious thoughts towards that expectation and increase the chance of that expectation happening.”

“But what if a person expects a negative outcome? Are the odds increased that the negative thing will happen?” I asked.

He said, “Of course. Expectation is not biased towards what someone perceives as positive. It is neutral. Whatever a person expects is more likely to happen.”

“Okay, so what happens if it’s like a world event? What happens if a majority of people on the planet expect something bad will happen?” I asked.

He said, “Group expectations exert a force just as individual expectations exert a force on the outcome.”

“Well people need to stop expecting disasters and war and terrorism then!”

He leaned back in his seat and said “Now you’re getting it. Now you see why understanding this concept is so important.”

“Well yes, a lot of people expect bad things to happen to them. And the media and news tell us about all the horrible things going on on the planet. So people plug into that and expect to be affected by the negative things.”

“Yes, that is happening. And most people are exerting the negative expectation force unconsciously. But it can be consciously exerted as well. And that is what I want you to explain to people. Your thoughts will create your reality, because your reality is affected by your expectations. And the stronger your expectation, the greater the force that that expectation applies to, and affects, the outcome of each probability.”

I said, “So what you’re saying is we, as a people, need to start expecting more consciously so we get more positive outcomes.”

“Yes,” he said. “You’ve got some people on the planet who expect everything to turn out alright. And you’ve got people expecting doom and gloom. All of that expectation energy is factored into the outcome. People just don’t realize it most of the time. And sometimes the expectation energy is equal on both sides so it may look like expectation was not even part of the equation when it was merely cancelled out. But it is always present in the equation.”

“Wow, okay. So if a person is wanting a job promotion and he expects to get it, he will.”

Einstein replied, “His chances of getting the job promotion are increased, but the expectation of the interviewer might be that this fellow won’t get the job, and the force of his expectation may be stronger since he is the one making the hiring decision. So even though expectation is present on both sides, the person with greater expectation will probably get the outcome they are expecting. But in cases where you don’t have two opposing conscious thinkers, then yes, one human’s expectation can exert enough force on an outcome to significantly increase the odds of it happening.”

I sat back in my seat and let it all sink in. “Okay, I think I understand. We need to consciously exert an expectation if we want something to happen.”

Einstein said, “Yes, but remember that it must be an actual expectation, not a hope or a wish or something you wonder about. It can’t be ephemeral. So people need to learn how to create an expectation, hold it in their consciousness, and then exert it on a situation.”

“How do we do that?”

“Factors that affect expectation include your own past experience and outcomes, being aware of what has happened to other people in the past, being told what to expect by others in a position of influence, your skills and talents, and your confidence that you can create your reality. It takes practice, time, and experience for most people, but in truth you can program your reality pretty quickly if you expect that you are able to.”

“Well this gives me something to think about doesn’t it?” I said.

Einstein smiled and said, “Please share this with others. Expectations are exerting a powerful force on the planet right now. You all have the power to alter the course of humanity and your own personal lives. Consciously choose the paths you take. Don’t let probability determine your outcomes.”

Einstein took my hand and gave it a little squeeze. When I looked into his eyes I thought I could see the cosmos reflected in them. It was beautiful.

I said, “Thank you for sharing this with me. I hope I remember all of this when I wake up.”

“I expect you will,” and winked at me.

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