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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Being Jumped by Astral Entities

Recently someone asked me, “I’ve read on some of your blogs that sometimes an astral entity will yank you out of your body and try to attack you.  If you’re so good at astral projection, how can this happen?  And what do you do when it does?”

Astral entities abound.  Mostly they keep to themselves on their own planes of existence but occasionally these entities will “make landfall” so to speak and try to start trouble with hapless humans who may not know their astral bodies from a hole in the ground.

A person who is not familiar with astral projection and otherworldly planes may experience this as a vivid nightmare, or a sensation of being pulled and yanked around, or it may feel like a terrifying lucid dream.  

Or they may not even be aware that an astral “mosquito” has attached itself to them at night while they sleep and is sucking energy out of them.

For me, I do sometimes attract the attention of a bold entity who will grab me by my astral feet and yank me out of my body.  It’s startling and sometimes terrifying for me.  I am not immune to being surprised, and sometimes they get a few shots in before I get my wits about me.  

When this happens to me, the first thing I do is go immediately back to my body.  This takes me out of its grasp, off its plane where it has the high ground, and gives me time to think and analyze the situation.  

Then I tune in to it psychically to understand its nature.  Does it just want to siphon my energy?  Does it want to kill me?  Have I already had dealings with the entity and it’s back for revenge?  I figure out what it is.

Then I go back in prepared.  As soon as I’m ready, I will launch out of my body and do one of the following:  Fight it, scare it away, or drag it to another plane and then energetically slam the door between us and lock it in.  

To use a boxing analogy, sometimes I have to go several rounds with the thing before we resolve our “differences.”  And sometimes I have to use different techniques to get it gone.

Now sometimes when something forces me out of my body, I don’t have time to get back in and make a plan, so I just whip out my light sword and start slicing and dicing.  Those are messy battles and take a lot of energy out of me.  I much prefer time to plan.

I would say these sorts of incidents happen to me just 3 or 4 times a year.  When you play around on the astral playground you have to expect a few bullies to show up here and there.  The best thing to do is have a plan, be prepared, and be ready to go all in to protect yourself from the siphoning.

If you are experiencing astral attacks, my advice is to really try to master astral projection so you aren’t a victim.  Getting jumped does not feel good, and I know it can be terrifying when it happens.

Stay safe out there!

Learn how to astral project at will. Check out my book The Astral Projection Guidebook on Amazon. Read the first chapter free!

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